Recipe: Appetizing Scrambled eggs

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Scrambled eggs. Scrumptious Breakfast Recipes To Make Any Meal A Success With Kraft®, Try Today! Heat a small non-stick frying pan for a minute or so, then add a knob of butter and let it melt. Don't allow the butter to brown or it will discolour the eggs.

Scrambled eggs To make scrambled eggs, start by beating eggs in a bowl with a whisk or fork. Next, heat some butter or oil in a pan over medium-high heat. Pour the eggs into the pan. You can cook Scrambled eggs using 3 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Scrambled eggs

  1. It's 2 of eggs.
  2. Prepare of Cooking oil.
  3. It's of Salt and pepper.

Whisking eggs thoroughly and vigorously before cooking them incorporates air, which produces fluffier scrambled eggs. Turn off the heat before the eggs are all the way cooked. This helps prevent overcooking, which is a common problem with scrambled eggs. In a small nonstick pan over medium heat, melt butter.

Scrambled eggs instructions

  1. Crack 2 eggs in a bowl..
  2. Add salt and pepper to taste and beat..
  3. Put some oil in a pan and put on medium heat..
  4. Pour the beaten eggs on the pan and stir..
  5. Continue until cooked. And done..

In a medium bowl, whisk together eggs and sour cream, if using, until frothy. When butter is foamy, reduce heat to medium-low and add beaten. For rich creamy scrambled eggs, add small cubes of cream cheese or a dollop of cottage cheese before cooking. For added flavor, stir a bit of creamy salad dressing, pesto, salsa or your favorite herb into the egg mixture. Insider Tips on How to Make Scrambled Eggs Perfectly.